Gertrude Jekyll’s primroses live on
Hellebores and snowdrops in Pennsylvania

Hellebore season

hellebore,picotee,torquatus,strangman,washfield. Image © (all rights reserved)
Hellebore season is in full swing back in Britain. Here in Pennsylvania – not so much, as you’ll see tomorrow.

But in the spirit of winter passing and spring awakening, here’s a picture of one of my all time favorite hellebores (click to enlarge). Photographed long ago in the garden at Elizabeth Strangman’s legendary Washfield Nursery in Kent, from where so very many fine hellebores sprung, this gorgeous plant is derived from H. torquatus and ‘Early Purple’ by way of some inspired pollination from Elizabeth. It was probably the first picotee created.

I wish I had a plant, I’m not sure it was ever distributed. In the years since then, of course, breeders like Roger Harvey in Britain, Dick & Judith Tyler in the US have created similar plants. I must look out for one.

I have packs of greetings cards featuring this image, as well as other hellebore cards (for North American customers only at the monent). Just hop on over and take a look at my hellebore postcards and notecards. Or email for more information.
